My goal is to bring you peace and clarity on real life situations based on current energy.
Thank you for being here! My name is Kaley Marie and I call myself a Spiritual Translator/Psychic Medium. I have an extraordinary gift that allows me to predict the future with uncanny accuracy.
I specialize in relationships, fertility, and connecting with passed loved ones (including PETS).
“How does it work?”
One common tool I use when working with spirit is called (Dowsing) Rods. My guides use my energy to move the rods in a YES/NO format. The right rod will cross into the left rod to form an X for a YES answer. If the answer is NO, the right rod will push out to the right, leaving the rods open.
I encourage everyone to watch the rods during their reading as my guide will confirm or deny what is being said. We have since adapted the YES/NO format to utilize the left rod as a scale, which is why you don’t see that rod moving as much.
My primary spirit guide’s name is Baaoca. She appears as a child, around the age of 7. She is very playful and loves joking around. The relationship we share is amazing.